2020 HSC Maths exams update

“This is the first year I’ve used Smarter Maths and it has made my life so much easier.”
Michelle Haughney, Northern Beaches Christian School


Firtsly, thanks for your support of our programs.

The 2020 HSC Mathematics exams represent an extremely important revision resource for many reasons, not least of which is the first test of new content for the Advanced, Ext1 and Ext2 courses in 40 years.

We have expedited the coding and publishing of these exams into the SmarterMaths database and are pleased to announce that Std1, Std2, Adv and Ext1 2020 HSC exams are now fully integrated into the database (Ext2 will be uploaded in the coming week).

Other subscriber updates that might be of interest are as follows:

  • 2021 subscription renewals can be paid at any stage this year if you have unallocated budget. Simply reply to this email or order on the website.
  • Minimum Standards program is in the final beta stage of testing. A notification email will be sent upon release (expected in days).
  • Filtering of sub-categories is almost completed across all HSC and NAPLAN courses. I have been beating the drum on this feature and encourage any teacher to experiment with it. The speed it provides for multiple perspectives is the basis of a powerful analysis tool.

Thanks again for subscribing in 2020.

Matt Burgess
SmarterMaths Founder

ph (02) 8007 3358

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